I am looking for a full-time job in podcast editing with a creative company. Please see my work samples below.
Ron Murphy: Podcast Editing
I have experience editing narrative and interview podcasts, including cleaning low quality audio, merging multiple tracks, adding music and sound effects, and composing theme music.
My background as a Music Director for a professional theater, pianist, and conductor meet my podcast host, editor, and producer experience to ensure high quality podcast editing.
Podcast Editing Example
Sample Podcast Episodes
Severed Sons Episode 31 Destruction’s Light
Severed Sons Episode 16 Temptation and Escalation
Interview from Geeks Who Get Paid about Severed Sons
Playhouse Lobby Talk Sample Episode
Original Compositions
My Music Director Background
Little House Conductor Cam
Crossville Chronicle about me
Playing and Music Directing at CCP
Playing Clue Main Theme
So Much Better from Legally Blonde w/ Harli Cooper from CCP
No More w/ Weslie Webster & Anna Baker
Chicago Trailer from CCP
Little House on the Prairie from CCP